26 March, 2019

Trombones Stomvi, Art & Technology by Innovatrombone.

Recently the Innovatrombone team visited Stomvi's facilities to discover the manufacturing process of its trombones, as well as its wide range of models.


Last week the Innovatrombone team travelled to Stomvi’s facilities to visit its installations and get to know the manufacturing process of its trombones, as well as its wide range of models.


Salva Alamá, the commercial of the brand, was in charge of receiving us and accompanying us during all morning. He explained all the details about the construction, models and characteristics of Stomvi trombones, as well as their different accessories.

Stomvi’s slogan represents 100% of what we could see there.  Art and technology merge perfectly in a process that results in a series of high quality trombones used today by trombonists from all over the world.


As we enter the Stomvi facilities we realize the quality of the professionals who work there and the great team they build, led by D.Vicente Honorato.

In the following video the philosophy of the Stomvi company is perfectly captured, where as you know, not only trombones are produced, but also their famous trumpets, fliscorns and horns.


Vídeo Stomvi company:

The first part of our visit began by familiarizing us with the materials that will later become part of the future Stomvi trombones. It is very curious to observe how from a metal plate, formed by different alloys of materials, begins to “cook slowly” which in the end will result in the famous models “Titán” and “Elite”.

In the following videos we can see Stomvi’s patented valve that mounts most of his trombones and one of his slides.

After seeing how the bells, slides, tuning slides, valves and mouthpieces are shaped, we go up to the first floor, where the last steps are taken before the product is finished. In this last phase, we go from hammers and welds to white gloves, in which operators “pamper” every detail and parts of the trombone, through greases, lacquers, polishes and baths, to leave some bright Stomvi trombones.

After our visit to the trombone construction process, we went to one of the brand’s test rooms, after receiving Eduardo Martínez Bonet, commercial director of the Stomvi brand.

Office rooms and test rooms Stomvi:


Already in the room we have prepared the models “Titán”, “Elite” alto and bass Stomvi, as well as its various accessories.

Titán Trombones:

Titán trombones represent the brand’s professional line. The valve is developed by Stomvi and there are three possible variants: removable with one thread, removable with two threads and fixed. The variations are many, as you can choose between 3 materials in the bell (goldbrass, bellflex and copper), but you can also choose between different finishes (matt lacquer, gloss lacquer and silver).

In this first picture you can see the model “Titán” in three variants.

As for the slides, we can choose between standard slide, light slide or alpaca slide, which gives a great variety in the sound. Of course, there is also the possibility of the standard silver slide.




Video of the Titán model by Ximo Vicedo, Stomvi artist, main trombone in ORTVE and collaborator of Innovatrombone.

Alto and alto with valve Stomvi trombones:

In the case of the alto trombones, Stomvi has two models, the simple one and the alto with valve. They do not have removable pavilion but you can choose between different materials, as well as finishes in silver and gloss lacquer.



Simple trombone:

The simple trombone is paired with the Titan trombone, so you can share bell(s) between the two trombones. It is available in the same finishes as the tenor and is removable from one and two threads.


Stomvi Bass Trombone:

Stomvi bass trombones have the same characteristics as Titan tenors in terms of finishes, pavilions and rods.

Video Stéphane Loyer, bass trombone in ORTVE, Stomvi artist and collaborator of Innovatrombone, testing the Stomvi bass trombone.


Élite tenor trombone:

The objectives of the Elite trombone are, on the one hand, to serve the student to familiarize himself with his first professional trombone and, on the other hand, to give the professional trombonist the option of using an easy, flexible trombone with optimum sound quality at a fair price.

The Elite is a trombone of immediate response, flexible, with a good balance, a rich and uniform sound in all registers and in all dynamics.

The main technical characteristics of the Elite are: tenor trombone Bb/Fa, open wrap valve, large shank, bellflex as bell material, gloss lacquer and copper finish.


Dynamic and harmonic cover:

The Dynamic and Harmonic covers are designed to offer the trombonist different sound possibilities. Changing only this small detail in the Stomvi trombone we can adapt our sonority to the type of color we need at any time.


The Maxiclapper are accessories created by Stomvi that when added to the trombone, achieve various effects. They add harmonics to the sound, getting a bigger and deeper sound with less effort. They also help concretize the articulation.





The Upsound is a tool for the study of the brass wind instrumentalist. Thanks to the included resistance, it forces you to blow in a more imposed way helping relaxation and efficiency when blowing. The fact that it has a resistance makes the practice with the mouthpiece much more similar to that of the instrument, so you feel much more prepared to play in less time.


The instrument repair shop is one more service offered by Stomvi. With the same technological, artisan and human resources that Stomvi offers, trumpets, trombones, horns and tubas of any brand are repaired, as well as old instruments and trombones of different brands are updated or improved, being one of the options to place the innovative Titan valve.



Stomvi goes beyond the traditional concept of brass instruments by offering a wide variety of mouthpieces, differentiating between classic, studio, BR (Brandenburg) and custom mouthpieces. Stomvi mouthpieces are available for alto, tenor and bass trombone with the same characteristics in all of them.

From Innovatrombone we want to say goodbye to the article by thanking all the Stomvi team for the excellent attention received during our visit and provide us with all this interesting material.

It has been a pleasure and a great experience for us to know first hand the process of manufacturing the Stomvi trombones, their wonderful Titan and Elite models, as well as the great variety of complements and accessories.

Official Stomvi website by clicking on the following link: Stomvi

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