5 February, 2020

Trombone Days ’20 – Madrid

From Innovatrombone we are pleased to inform our trombonist community about a new edition of the Trombone Days.


A new edition of the Jornadas Trombonísticas is coming to Madrid once again, with the trombone quartet 2i2quartet and Paco Soler. The event will take place at the “Arturo Soria” Professional Music Conservatory from 7th to 9th February 2020.

2i2quartet with Paco Soler

To go into more detail and tell us everything about the days we have been lucky enough to contact the trombone teacher-Jazz Paco Soler.

Paco Soler:

Macintosh HD:Users:franciscosolerferrandiz:Documents:Curso '18-'19:Escuela Música Creativa:paco.jpg

Innovatrombone: Hi Paco, how’s it going?

Paco Soler: Hi! Very well, nice to talk to you.

Innovatrombone: Tell us, to whom is this course directed?

Paco Soler: Well, this course is aimed at all those people who share a passion and dedication to the trombone in any of its aspects and levels. Probably the only requirement is to want to learn, share and enrich yourself musically.

Innovatrombone: The Trombone Days offer tenor trombone, bass trombone and jazz trombone classes. How have you programmed this offer and which teachers do you have?

Paco Soler: Indeed, as it has been planned for a few years now in the Jornadas Trombonísticas that we celebrate in summer in Biar, we offer the possibility of receiving classes of these specialities that you mention. And, as always, the ones in charge of giving them are the members of the 2i2quartet trombone quartet and myself taking care of the specific Jazz part.

On the one hand, specific technique sessions are given by the members of 2i2quartet and then each student has the opportunity to receive individual classes with them having the opportunity to have a more personalized approach adapted to their concerns and specific needs.

On the other hand, I am in charge of bringing the language of jazz closer to the audience through different thematic workshops that deal with aspects such as improvisation, language, harmony, transcription, etc. And I also give individual classes for any level in order to personalize the experience as much as possible.

In the case of jazz, it is open to any instrumental speciality since the content covered in the workshops, as well as in the individual classes, is perfectly adaptable and multipurpose. Issues such as the study of scales, patterns, language, harmony, … are usually common to any instrument.

In addition, some time will be dedicated to the work of chamber music, an essential aspect in the training of any musician, since most of us usually dedicate a large part of our musical activity to playing in different formations of greater or lesser size. Without going any further, an orchestra, band or big band section does not stop functioning as if it were a chamber group in itself and for this reason we believe that it is an indispensable part to deal with within the Trombone Days.

Innovatrombone: What will the individual lessons in tenor trombone, bass and jazz consist of?

Paco Soler: In the individual classes, as I mentioned before, we try to personalize the experience of the students by adapting to their characteristics. There are those who are preparing for an entrance exam and want to work on specific repertoire, or orchestral solos. Some have some technical problem to solve or simply to know and experience different visions when studying their instrument. We try to adapt and contribute our experience and point of view to offer them tools that they can develop later in their personal study. In my opinion, these events are, above all, places to exchange knowledge and experiences, in this case around the trombone and that enriches enormously.

Innovatrombone: What about the different workshops and chamber music?

Paco Soler: As I said, the jazz workshops will deal with topics such as the transcription process, rhythmic development, differentiating elements of jazz language, harmonic analysis of standards, repertoire, among others.

In the space dedicated to chamber music, through the work of a repertoire selected on the basis of the students and covering a diversity of styles, the training is complemented by dealing with very interesting topics such as the way of playing in section, tuning, sound planes, musicality, etc. The 2i2quartet has a wide experience in this field and they provide a very interesting vision in this aspect.

Innovatrombone: The brand Stomvi is going to be very present in the conference with the presentation of the Up-Sound and an exhibition of trombones. Can you tell us a little about this activity and the trombones that the students attending the conference will be able to see and try?

Paco Soler: Indeed, the brand Stomvi has been supporting this proposal for a long time and we are lucky to be able to count on their collaboration. The quartet has been linked to the brand Stomvi for a long time. In my case it is something less, specifically since the Jazz model was launched in which I was lucky enough to collaborate.

On Saturday, Stomvi will hold an exhibition where they will show the Tenor and Bass trombone models in their Titan and Elite versions as well as the Titan Jazz and Titan Alto Trombone model. Besides, different accessories of the brand will be exposed to personalize the trombones such as the valve covers or “MaxiClapers”. It will also be possible to try the Up-Sound, a very useful complement to work on different technical aspects.

Innovatrombone: If you want to add something else about the days we haven’t asked you?

Paco Soler: Just point out that on Saturday at 19:00 we will offer a concert in the auditorium of the Professional Conservatory “Arturo Soria” in which, in addition to students, it will be open to the general public who want to come and enjoy with us.

Innovatrombone: It has been a pleasure to chat with you Paco, we wish you good luck in the days. Thank you very much for attending us!

Paco Soler: The pleasure has been mine and thanks to you for your interest and for the work of diffusion and promotion of the trombone that you carry out.

Innovatrombone: Dear trombonists of Innovatrombone you know, Jornadas Trombonísticas’20 – Madrid. From 7th to 9th of February at the Arturo Soria Professional Music Conservatory in Madrid. 2i2quartet with Paco Soler.

We say goodbye with a Vera Lu & Paco Soler song!

For more information and registration click on the following link : http://2i2quartet.com/jornadas-trombonisticas-madrid/

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