25 May, 2018

The world of the trombone today is in mourning. Keith Brown has left us.



From Innovatrombone we regret to announce the sad news about the death
of Keith Brown, one of the great trombone players of the history of
the trombone.

We would like to highlight the great work he did as a soloist and
pedagogue and, especially, the great contribution he made to the world

of trombone thanks to his extensive bibliography.
Some of his publications:



Brown, Keith was born on October 21, 1933 in Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States. Son of Kenneth Vernon and Audrey Lucille (Nelson) Brown.


Bachelor of Music cum laude, University Southern California, 1957. Master of Music, Manhattan School Music, 1964.


Trombonist Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, 1957-1958. Member faculty, solo trombonist Aspen Festival, 1957-1969. Trombonist New York Brass Quintet, 1958-1959.

Principal trombonist Casals Festival, San Juan, 1958-1980. Associate principal trombonist Philadelphia Orchestra, 1959-1962. Principal trombonist Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, 1962-1965.

Performed with Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, 1969-1988. Participant Marlboro Festival, 1970-1973. Director instrumental activities, professor music, conductor university orchestra Temple University, Philadelphia, 1965-1971.

Professor emeritus, conductor Indiana University, Bloomington, 1971-1997. Conductor, music director Bloomington Symphony Orchestra, 1975-1980. Chairman brass department, conductor Music Academy of West, 1978-1982, 85-87.

Co-founder Ensemble Mediation, since 1998. Artistic director, conductor Camerata Orchestra, Bloomington, 1989-1996. Artistic/mus. director Inter-American Youth Orchestra of the Festival Casals, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1989-1991.


  • Other Work

    • Regular guest conductor Orquesta Sinfonica Venezuela, coach, advisory, guest condr, Orquesta Nacional Juvenil and Orquesta Sinfonica Simon Bolivar, Caracas, since 1979. Coach, adviser Joven Orquesta Nacional de Espana, 1984-1994. Board advisers New York Cornet and Sacbut Ensemble, since 1984.

      Teacher master classes, lecturer, recitalist (1st western trombonist), conservatories in, Beijing and Shanghai, China, 1982, Beijing, 1988. Guest conductor Sapporo (Japan) Symphony Orchestra, 1990, Orquesta del Principado de Asturias, Spain, 1991.







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