29 November, 2020

The trombonist Nicolas Moutier new collaborator for Innovatrombone.


Dear friends and trombonists, from Innovatrombone we are very excited to share with all of you the new incorporation in our team of collaborators.

Introducing Nicolas Moutier

Innovatrombone: Hi Nicolas, we’re happy to talk to you, welcome to Innovatrombone!

Nicolas Moutier: Bonjour, Hello ! I’m very happy to join the Innovatrombone team !

Innovatrombone: We would like to know a little more about your life and share it with our audience. Where are you from?

Nicolas Moutier: I’m from France, I was born in the center of Paris, just near the cathedral Notre-Dame.

Innovatrombone: How did the interest in music and/or trombone come about?

Nicolas Moutier: My parents are musicians (pianists) and I grew up in a classical music atmosphere. Very early I wanted to be also a musician (but espacially not pianist like my parents !) and I choose trombone because I was a real fan of film musics with large brass parts (Star Wars, etc… !) and all the popular music where you can find trombones.

Innovatrombone: Tell us, with whom and where did you start studying trombone.

Nicolas Mautier: I started to study the trombone in Reims Conservatory (east of France) with Amédé Grivillers. He was one of the great masters of the trombone in France and I had the chance to be one of his last students.

Innovatrombone: Where did you continue your trombone studies?

Nicolas Moutier: After few young years with Guy Figlianglios, I continued my studies in Paris with Jacques Mauger, David Maquet (trombone of the “Orchestre philharmonique de Radio-France”) and Daniel Breszinsky (solo trombone of Paris Opera), then I entered the Paris Conservatory with Gilles Milliere and Jean Raffard.

Innovatrombone: Can you tell us about the teachers who have influenced you most and why?

Nicolas Moutier: David Maquet gave me the desire to be a professional musician : he was very demanding with me and pushed me to give the best of myself. Than Gilles Milliere helped me develop the strength, stability, and personality necessary to become a professional orchestral solo trombone.

Innovatrombone: We know that you are an artist of the famous Courtois brand. What trombone and mouthpiece do you currently use?

Nicolas Moutier: I play the 420 model with yellow bell, closed wrap, traditionnal rotor, and a 6 ½ AL mouthpiece.

Innovatrombone: Tell us, what is your current occupation?

Nicolas Moutier: I am the solo trombone of the Strasbourg Philharmonic, professor at the high school of arts “HEAR” and Strasbourg conservatory.

Innovatrombone: You’re the president of the French Trombone Association. Can you tell us about your experience here?

Nicolas Moutier : I am the vice-president of the French Trombone Association (ATF). Jacques Mauger is the president. We try to bring together all the french trombonists and to organize some festivals around our country. Also, our association helps some trombone academy and awards prizes to talented young people.

Innovatrombone: How is a day in the trombone life of Nicolas Moutier?

Nicolas Moutier: I run a lot because I’m a passionate and I like doing very different things about the trombone: giving lessons, playing with my orchestra, meeting composers in all types of music, preparing solo concerts around the world, and think about new original projects … not easy to do it all in one day, but I try!

Innovatrombone: What projects do you have for the future?

Nicolas Moutier: Next week I’ll record a CD with my orchestra with a lot of orchestra exerpts (Lohengrin, William Tell, Symphonie Fantastique, etc…). At the same time I prepare some recitals in Spain and Japan. And I prepare my students for the next orchestra auditions in France and Germany.

I also have many upcoming projects : european creation of the Broughton Concerto, a new CD, some trombone quartet concerts with the trombone section of the Strasbourg Philharmonic, and a european festival and competition I organize in May 2021.

Innovatrombone: And so we end the interview/presentation of Nicolas Moutier. It has been a pleasure to talk to you, thank you very much for dedicating your time to us, we welcome you again to Innovatrombone as a partner of our website and we wish to get to work with you as soon as possible.

Nicolas Moutier: Thank you so much, and well done for all your passionate and essential work for trombonists !

Innovatrombone: Dear friends and trombonists of Innovatrombone, thank you very much for your attention!  To say goodbye, we leave you with two videos of our new collaborator.

Nicolas Moutier profile in innovatrombone: nicolas-moutier

Website of Nicolas Moutier: www.nicolasmoutier.com

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