23 November, 2018

The Madrid BassTrombone Weekend is preparing its third edition by Innovatrombone.



Innovatrombone is pleased to announce that from the 30th of November to the 2nd of December, there will be a big event dedicated to bass trombones. We are talking about MADRID BASS TROMBONE WEEKEND 2018.

Poster 1:


The Madrid Bass Trombone Weekend has already had two editions and the third edition has already been announced. For three intense days, the Centro Superior Progreso Musical (Higher Centre for Musical Progress ) will host all kinds of activities based on double transposing trombones.

For this occasion the organization will count with professors Francisco Guillén (National Orchestra of Spain), Carlos Rubio (Municipal Symphonic Orchestra of Caracas), the special guest Gilles Lebrun (Symphonic Orchestra of Madrid) and the collaborators of Innovatrombone Miguel José Martínez (Orchestra of the Community of Madrid) and Stéphane Loyer (Orchestra of Spanish Radio Television).

Planning of activities:

Friday 30 November:

From 16:00 to 20:00 there will be a Warm up by Francisco Guillén, to give way to classes and work with the Trombone Ensemble coordinated by Carlos Rubio.

Francisco Guillén (National Orchestra of Spain).

Carlos Rubio.(Caracas Municipal Symphony Orchestra).


Saturday, December 1:

From 10:00 to 14:00 the students of Madrid Bass will perform auditions with pieces chosen by them, giving way to classes and Ensemble work by Miguel José Martínez.

Miguel José Martínez. (Orchestra of the Community of Madrid).


From 16:00 there will be a Warm up by Stéphane Loyer, followed by a talk by Gilles Lebrun. At 20:30 there will be a Concert of the Bass Trombones of Madrid.

Stéphane Loyer. (Orquesta de Radio Televisión Española).

Gilles Lebrun.(Madrid Symphony Orchestra).

Sunday, December 2nd.

From 10:00 to 14:00 Warm up by Miguel José Martínez “Viriato”, individual classes, Trombone Ensemble with Stéphane Loyer.

From 15:00 to 19.00 Warm up by Carlos Rubio, individual classes and Trombone Ensemble by Francisco Guillén.

Poster 2:

Promo vídeo:

If you are a trombonist and play the bass trombone do not miss this opportunity to meet and learn surrounded by great masters.

Cheer up and attend the MADRID BASS TROMBONE WEEKEND!

Inscriptions Registration Madrid Bass

Profile of Stéphane Loyer in Innovatrombone: Stéphane Loyer

Profile of Miguel José Martínez´s in Innovatrombone:Miguel José

Visit our Online Academy:ACADEMY



We say goodbye with an archive video featuring Francisco Guillén, Miguel Jose Martínez and Stéphane Loyer.

Remember, MADRID BASS TROMBONE 2018, from November 30th to December 2nd.

Inscriptions: Registration Madrid Bass


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