19 April, 2020

Study routines for elemental-intermediate trombone levels

We begin to deal with the effects of Covid-19


Dear friends and trombonists of Innovatrombone, since a few days ago the world has changed because of the Covid-19 and from here we have thought that it would be a good idea to make available material to elementary and professional level students so that they can work from home.

We have prepared a first installment with a series of basic routines for young trombonists studying at the Conservatories to interact with our videos and work on essential parts of the technique of our instrument, such as glissandos, flexibility and scales.

The way to work with these exercises is very simple, you play the video and respond to the example proposed by the trombonist. We specify the age of the trombonists for whom the exercises are intended, but logically they can be played by any other person of higher level.

Here we go!

On this occasion we are not going to use sheet music, it’s all from memory! Don’t forget to take care of the correct position of the body and the instrument, as well as the correct breathing.

Elementary level trombone routines:

The following exercises are designed for students between 9 and 12 years old.


Here we have some very simple exercises of glissandos that always begin in the first position at different heights of the sound.


We continue with a basic exercise in flexibility, starting from the F in first position and slurring to the Bb. We continue with the same exercise model for the remaining 6 positions. Then we move on to do some small variations on the same exercise.


We now work on three scales with crotchets: F Major, Bb Major and C Major.

Then we raise the level of the exercises a little, giving continuity to the previous ones.

Elementary-Intermediate Level Trombone Routines

We focus the following exercises on students between the ages of 11-15 who are in the last years of the elementary levels and the first years of the professional levels.


This time and as we said before, the glissando exercises are practically the same, but we give them more speed and height to the range.

Flexibility for elementary trombone

The flexibility exercises are still very basic, but just as we did with the glissandos, we increased the speed by shortening the value of the notes. We started to use the slurred-tongued.

Flexibility for intermediate trombone

Continuity of the previous year, changing the value of the notes as we go up to the high note. We continue with slurred tongued.

Elementary and intermediate trombone scales

We start with the F Major scale at two octaves, first in crotchet and then in quavers. We continue with C Major, Bb Major and Eb Major.

We hope that the first set of exercises will be to your satisfaction! Greetings and see you soon!

For any questions you can write to: info@innovatrombone.com

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