15 February, 2018

Presentation of the CD “Les llàgrimes del silenci”


Next Saturday, February 24, 2018 in the Auditorium of Castalla (Alicante) will be held the presentation concert for the CD “LES LLÁGRIMES DEL SILENCI” (Tears of silence), monographic by Lusa Monllor, where our collaborator Ximo Vicedo will perform the piece “AMÉN” with the Orchestra of Marina Baixa, conducted by David Payà.

“AMÉN” by Lusa Monllor, composer from Castalla (Alicante). “AMÉN” is an Adagio in A minor for trombone soloist and string orchestra, released last November 2017 in Madrid by Ximo Vicedo, to whom it is dedicated, and by Muzik Ensemble in its Concert Series “Autumn Harmonies”.

Here is a brief description of the work: “The Syrian boy was named Aylan and he was only three years old.”

This is how press and television news began in September 2015, and this is how “Amén” began to take shape. “AMÉN” is an Adagio in A minor because the first letter of the child’s name is A. At the beginning, the work was going to carry Aylan’s name, but I knew that there would be more and I had to keep the maximum respect for all those who, in search of a dignified life, lost theirs in Mediterranean waters.

“AMÉN” must be internalized as a pray for peace, a pray where the trombone begs for all children, men and women seeking peace.

It is a pray of sadness, anger and impotence, a pray where hope, respect and love are implored in each of the trombone notes, because when a trombone prays for peace, the world remains silent.


Starting on February 26, the CD will be available on the Ximo Vicedo website:  http://ximovicedo.com


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