30 October, 2019

Nuevas ofertas de empleo para trombonistas en Innovatrombone.

New job offers for trombonists at Innovatrombone.


From Innovatrombone and in collaboration with Muv.ac we continue to inform trombonists about the different job offers in Orchestras. This time we talk about: Robert-Schumann-Philharmonie (Chemnitz), Mecklenburgische Staatskapelle Schwerin and Philharmonisches Orchester Hagen.

Robert-Schumann-Philharmonie (Chemnitz)

The Orchestra offers a contract of immediate incorporation to fill a principal trombone position with alto trombone obligation. The audition is on 15/01/2020 at 10:00 at the Orchestra headquarters, place:

Städtische Theater Chemnitz gGmbH

Theaterplatz 2 – Bühneneingang

09111 Chemnitz (Germany)

The deadline for registration is 19.12.2019.

First round:

Ferdinand David: Concertino für Posaune und Orchester – 1. Satz + Kadenz

  1. Henri Tomasi: Concerto pour trombone et orchestre

Second round:

Altposaunenkonzert nach Wahl (s. unten)


  1. Ravel, Bolero
  2. Wagner, Lohengrin
  3. Verdi, Othello
  4. Strauss, Also sprach Zarathustra
  5. Wagner, Walküre (nur der Ritt, also Anfang 3. Akt)
  6. Schumann, 3. Sinfonie (Rheinische)
  7. Mozart, Reqiem Tuba mirum (Tenorposaunen Solo)
  8. Schostakowitsch, 15. Sinfonie
  9. Verdi, Macht des Schicksals
  10. Berlioz, Fantastic Symphony
  11. Berlioz, Fausts Verdammnis
  12. Wagner, Tannhäuser

Mecklenburgische Staatskapelle Schwerin

The Orchestra offers a position for 2nd and 3rd trombone with a temporary contract starting and ending on 13.10.2019 – 31.07.2020. The registration deadline is on 04.10.2019.

The audition will take place at:

Mecklenburgisches Staatstheater GmbH

Alter Garten 2

19055 Schwerin (Germany)


Ferdinand David: Concertino für Posaune Es – Dur 1. und 2. Satz


– W.A. Mozart: Tuba mirum aus dem “Requiem”

– J. Haydn: Baßposaunensolo aus der “Schöpfung”.

– J. Brahms: 1. Sinfonie 4. Satz (3. Posaune)

– L. v. Beethoven: 9. Sinfonie Baßposaunensoli 2. und 4. Satz

– J. Brahms, Tragische Ouvertüre (2. Posaune)

– G. Rossini: Ouvertüre zu Wilhelm Tell (2. Posaune)

Philharmonisches Orchester Hagen.

The Orchestra offers a place for principal trombone with alto trombone obligation. The deadline for registration is 18.11.2019.

For more information please visit our employment section by clicking on the following link: Employment

If you are a trombonist join our community at the following link: Registration

Visit our website: www.innovatrombone.com



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