30 October, 2019

New trombone auditions in Orchestras by Innovatrombone.

The Wuppertal Symphony Orchestra announces auditions for 2nd and 3rd trombone.


From Innovatrombone and in collaboration with Muv.ac we continue to inform trombonists about the different job offers in Orchestras. This time we talk about: Sinfonieorchester Wuppertal.

Sinfonieorchester Wuppertal

The Wuppertal Symphony Orchestra announces an audition for a 2º-3º trombone position. The group offers an indefinite contract and immediate incorporation.

The test will be divided into two rounds with two compulsory concerts plus another round with orchestral repertoire.

Round 1: Concertino for trombone by Ferdinand David (tenor trombone)

Round 2: New Orleans by Eugéne Bozza (bass trombone).

2nd trombone:

  1. A. Mozart Requiem
  2. Strauss Till Eulenspiegel
  3. Wagner Lohengrin, Tannhäuser, Walkürenritt
  4. Rossini Wilhelm Tell
  5. Brahms Tragische Ouvertüre

Bass trombone:

  1. Haydn Die Schöpfung
  2. van Beethoven 9. Sinfonie
  3. Strauss Ein Heldenleben, Till Eulenspiegel
  4. Wagner Lohengrin, Walkürenritt, Meistersinger
  5. Brahms 1. Sinfonie
  6. Rossini Die diebische Elster
  7. Schumann Rheinische Symphonie (ganz)

Wuppertal Symphony Orchestra  Video

For more information please visit our employment section by clicking on the following link: Employment

If you are a trombonist join our community at the following link: Registration

Visit our website: www.innovatrombone.com



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