21 January, 2020

New job offers in Orchestras by Innovatrombone.

Sinfonieorchester Basel, Orquesta Sinfónica de la Región de Murcia and ADDA Simfònica.


From Innovatrombone and in collaboration with Muv.ac we continue to inform trombonists about the different job offers in Orchestras.

On this occasion we talk about: Sinfonieorchester Basel, Orquesta Sinfónica de la Región de Murcia and ADDA Simfònica.

Sinfonieorchester Basel

The Orchestra offers a contract for students under 26 years old, with a duration from 01.08.2020 – 30.06.2021.

Audition: 15.04.2020 at 13:00

Venue: Kultur- und Sportzentrum Münchenstein

Loogstrasse 2

4142 Münchenstein (Switzerland)

Video Orchestra

Orquesta Sinfónica de la Región de Murcia.

The foundation Orquesta Sinfónica de la Región de Murcia announces tests for the creation of a job bank for teachers-instrumentalists to be held during the month of January 2020, in this case for Trombone Tutti.



● Concertino MibM Op.4 (1º and 2º mov) – F.David

● Concerto (1st and 2nd mov) – H.Tomasi


Book to be used: ORCHESTER PROBESPIEL (Trombone)

● Requiem – W.A.Mozart

● Bolero – M.Ravel

● William Tell, overture – G.Rossini

● Ride of the Valkyries – R.Wagner

● Also sprach Zarathustra – R.Strauss

The tests will be held at the Auditorio “Víctor Villegas” de Murcia, Avda. Primero de Mayo, 30006 Murcia.

The deadline for submission will be from the day of its publication on the website of the Orquesta Sinfónica de la Región de Murcia until January 15th, 2020 at 23:59 hours.

Video Orchestra

ADDA Simfònica.

The present announcement has the aim of regulating the procedure for the creation of a job bank, to cover the artistic needs of ADDA-SIMFÒNICA’s programme by means of temporary work contracts, in this case for the speciality of trombone.

First Phase: After the curtain, the Technical Evaluation Commission will request the performance of 1 or 2 movements of a concert, and orchestral fragments to be chosen by the Commission.

The qualification of this phase will be of apt or not apt to continue to the second phase.

Second Phase: Without curtain, the Technical Evaluation Commission will request the interpretation of 1 or 2 movements of a concert, and orchestral fragments to be chosen by the Commission, from those included in Annex II.

The qualification of this phase will be of apt or not apt.

The Technical Evaluation Commission may, at any time during the intervention of an applicant, interrupt the development of the same and terminate the performance of the piece or repertoire fragment interpreted, when in its opinion the level of the applicant is sufficiently accredited.

The applicants shall perform, at the discretion of the Technical Evaluation Commission, the fragments listed in the annexes to these rules.

Applicants who do not appear at the above-mentioned time will be excluded from the audition tests.

Place: Auditorium of the Diputación de Alicante, Avenida de Jijona, 5, Alicante (C.P. 03010)


Tenor trombone:

First movement concert Ferdinand David op. 4 – Concertino –

List of orchestral excerpts Tenor trombone: Orchester Probespiel. Test pieces for orchestral auditions. C. F. Peters.

W. A. Mozart, Requiem – Tuba mirum

R. Wagner, Die Walküre – 3. Aufzug 1. Szene – Walkürenritt.

G. Rossini, La Gazza ladra – Overture

G. Mahler, Symphony N. 3 -1.Satz

Bass trombone:

First movement Ernst Sachse – Konzert in F-Dur

List of orchestral bass trombone excerpts:Orchester Probespiel. Test pieces for orchestral auditions. C. F. Peters.

– J. Haydn, Die Schöpfung – N. 26 Chorus

– R. Wagner, Die Walküre – 3. Aufzug 1. Szene – Walkürenritt.

– R. Wagner, Lohengrin – 3. Akt Einleitung

– J. Brahms, Symphony N. 1 – 4.Satz

Video Orchestra:

For more information please visit our employment section by clicking on the following link: Employment

If you are a trombonist join our community at the following link: Registration

Visit our website: www.innovatrombone.com

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