30 October, 2019

New auditions for trombonists in Orchestras by Innovatrombone.

Do you know the Göttinger Symphonie Orchester and Junge Deutsche Philharmonie Orchestras?


From Innovatrombone and in collaboration with Muv.ac we continue to inform trombonists about the different job offers in Orchestras. This time we talk about: Göttinger Symphonie Orchester and Junge Deutsche Philharmonie.

Göttinger Symphonie Orchester


The orchestra announces a position for principal trombone with alto trombone obligation and a temporary contract.

The closing date for registration is 29.10.2019 and the auditions will take place in the German city of Göttingen:

Großer Probensaal / Kulturzentrum

Godehardstr. 19-21

37081 Göttingen (Germany)



Schumann 3. Symphonie

Mozart: Requiem (Kyrie)


Mozart: Tuba Mirum

Brahms: 1. Symphonie

Brahms: Tragische Ouvertüre

Rossini: Diebische Elster

Rossini: Wilhelm Tell

Wagner: Lohengrin

Wagner: Walküre

Saint-Saens: Orgel-Symphonie

Mahler: 3. Symphonie

Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel

Strauss: Also sprach Zaratustra

Strawinsky: Feuervogel

Ravel: Bolero

Video Orchestra:

Junge Deutsche Philharmonie.

Students of any nationality who are studying at German-speaking universities and who are under the age of 26 may participate and apply for a position in this orchestra.

The audition date is 12/11/2019 at 10:30 and will take place in:

Junge Deutsche Philharmonie

Schwedlerstr. 2-4

60314 Frankfurt (Germany)


  1. David, Konzert Es-Dur, 1. und 2. Satz
  2. Grøndahl, Konzert f-moll, 1. und 2. Satz

Orchestral repertoire:

  1. A. Mozart, Requiem, Tuba Mirum
  2. Ravel, Bolero
  3. Rossini, Wilhelm Tell
  4. Wagner, Walkürenritt
  5. Strauss, Till Eulenspiegel
  6. Strauss, Zarathustra
  7. Brahms, 1. Sinfonie
  8. Wagner, Lohengrin 3. Akt, Vorspiel
  9. Wagner, Tannhäuser

Video orchestra:


For more information please visit our employment section by clicking on the following link: Employment

If you are a trombonist join our community at the following link: Registration

Visit our website: www.innovatrombone.com




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