29 June, 2020

1st Musical Competition Innovatrombone 2020.

Innovatrombone, through its website www.innovatrombone.com promotes the FIRST ONLINE INTERPRETATION CONTEST intended for trombonists.




Innovatrombone, through its website www.innovatrombone.com promotes the FIRST ONLINE INTERPRETATION CONTEST intended for trombonists.


Trombonists aged between 10 and 32 may register for different modalities.


5 modalities are established:

  1. 10 to 13 years old. Tenor trombone.
  2. 14 to 18 years old. Tenor trombone.
  3. 19 to 24 years old. Tenor trombone.

3.A.19 to 24 years old. Bass trombone.

  1. 25 to 32 years old. Tenor trombone.

4.A 25 to 32 years old Bass trombone.

  1. Solo trombone with quartet (midi).


1. 10 to 13 years old. Trombland – Julio Landaeta  (Custom Piece for the Contest)  Access to the score. TROMBLAND  The  Polka’s  Festival (Solist  Trombone)

2.14 to 18 years old. Morceau Symphonique-A. Guilmant. Marc Reift Editorial.

3.19 to 24 years old. Concerto for Trombone and Orchestra 2mov -3 mov Launy Grøndahl. Dansk Musik Editorial.

3.A Bass Trombone: Concert for trombone by Alexander Lebedev’s. Musicus New York Editions.

4. 25 to 32 years old. Tenor trombone: Ferdinand David op4.  1mov-2mov with cadence. Robert Muller-­Zimmermann Edition.

4.A   Bass Trombone: Concert for bass trombone New Orleans by Eugene Bozza’s. Alphonse Leduc Editions.

5.Solo trombone mode with quartet (midi). Go straight to the final phase.

Note: All the first phase pieces will be played with trombone only, without any kind of accompaniment.


1.10 to 13 years old. Modus – Vicente Martínez Casas. Access to the score

2. 14 to 18 years old. Nurya – Ricardo Mollá.  Access to the score

Final price for the score of Nurya  24.99. Contact the composer at: Ricardomollaalbero@gmail.com

3.19 to 24 years old. Diverti-miento – Julio Domingo Access to the score

3A. Bass trombone: El trombón de Stéphane – Christian Daniel Vallejo.1mov-3mov Access to the score

4. 25 to 32 years old. Tenor trombone: TromBiot- Enrique Hernandis. 1mov-2mov Access to score

4A Bass Trombone: Díptic del Tirant – José R. Pascual Vilaplana. Access to score

5.Solo trombone with quartet (midi). 19 to 32 years old.  Enrique Hernándiz.  Access to score

Note: All the pieces of the final phase will be played solo with trombone, without accompaniment of any kind, with the exception of the piece for solo trombone and quartet, which will be recorded and played with midi accompaniment.


The processing of applications will be done with a payment by transfer, credit card or paypal.

payment registration modalities 1 y 2.

payment registration modalities 3, 4 y trombón solista.

After processing the registration, the contestant must send a video interpreting the required piece for the first phase of the contest to the email address.


The videos will not be edited and will be recorded without cuts. They will be sent by wetransfer specifying name and modality.


Modalities 1 and 2: 25 euros.

Modalities 3, 4, solo trombone: 30 euros.

Single price for Latin America in all modalities: 15 euros.

Registration fees will not be refunded under any circumstances, except when the number of participants does not reach 35.


From the 22nd of June until the September 30th.


Once all the documentation sent by the participants has been received, the organization will carry out a first phase of selection of the participants, with the exception of the participants of the solo trombone modality with quartet, who will go directly to the second phase.

The panel will select a maximum of 5 applicants for each modality, which will go to the final phase, of which 3 will be the winners in each modality, being awarded as: first, second and third prize.

The organization will communicate by mail to each participants who passes to the second phase. The results will be made public on Innovatrombone’s social networks.

During the first weeks of October, the finalists of the contest in its different modalities will be communicated on the web and our social networks.

Desde el día de la publicación de los finalistas, los concursantes tendrán 20 días para entregar el vídeo de la fase final.

The participants selected for the second round will send a video playing the compulsory piece for the final round, solo with trombone, without any kind of accompaniment, except for the participants of the solo trombone modality with midi accompaniment.

The organization will then establish a new deadline (to be determined) to deliver the videos of the second phase.

The video cannot be edited and will be recorded without cuts. It will be sent by Wetransfer to the following address:


  • Specifying name and modality

The finalist videos will be uploaded to the Youtube channel of   Innovatrombone, a channel that will be used by our court to evaluate the finalists of each modality.


  • Jacques Mauger. Trombone professor at Conservatorio Superior Regional de Música de Paris. HEMU Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne.
  • Stéphane Loyer. Bass trombone soloist at OCRTVE.
  • Ximo Vicedo. Trombone soloist at OCRTVE.
  • David Rejano. Principal trombone at Philharmonic Orchestra of Los Ángeles.
  • Luis Fred. Associate Professor at University of Florida. Costa Rica trombone quartet.
  • Denson Paul Polard. Bass trombone at Metropolitan Opera New York. Indiana University.
  • Juan Carlos Matamoros. Soloist trombone at Orquesta Nacional de España. 2i2quartet.
  • Fabrice Millichere. Trombone teacher at Musikhochschule Freiburg.
  • Ben Van Dijk. bass and double bass trombonist of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, The Royal Conservatoire the Hague and the Codarts Conservatory in Rotterdam.
  • Takahiro Ono. Arts University Yamaguchi (Japan)
  • Miguel J. Martínez (Viriato) soloist bass trombone at Orquesta y Coro de la Comunidad de Madrid. 2i2quartet.
  • Vincent Lepape. Soloist trombone at Regio theatre. International Soloist.
  • Vincenzo Paratore. Orchestra of the Teatro Massimo Vincenzo Bellini of Catania.
  • Guillermo Baez. President of the Association of Spanish Trombonists.
  • Javier Yera. Professor at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Jáen.
  • Faustino Díaz. International Concertist.
  • Nicolas Moutier. Principal trombone at Strasbourg Orchestra.
  • Salvador Tarrasó. Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Catarroja.
  • Nacho Pérez. Soloist bass trombone Orquesta de la Comunidad Valenciana Palau de les Arts.
  • Julio Domingo. Composer and director.
  • Enrique Hernandis. Composer.
  • Vicente Martínez Casas. Composer.
  • Obeed Rodriguez. Soloist trombone at Orchestra of Chile.
  • Salvador Pellicer. Bass trombone at Orquesta de Valencia.
  • Vicent Climent. Soloist trombone at Orchesta Academia Santa Cecilia di Roma.
  • Miguel García. Soloist trombone at Frankfurt Opera.
  • Lito Fontana. Professor at the Musik Schule of Hall in Tirol.
  • Sebastian Cifuentes. Soloist trombone at National Orchestra of Colombia.
  • Miguel Rivera. Puerto Rico Conservatory of music.
  • Miguel Sanchéz. Soloist trombone at Orquesta de la Universidad Nacional San Juan Argentina.
  • Taehhyun Cha. Orchestra of Bucheon Philarmonic Seul
  • Vicente Manuel Cascales. Soloist’s support at Orchestra of the Balearic Islands.
  • José Faubel. Trombone at Orquesta de la Comunidad Valenciana Palau de les Arts.
  • Camilo Jimenez. Specialist in sackbut trombone.
  • José Vicente Soler. Fuengirola CPM.
  • Angel Subero. Bass trombone at Boston Philharmonic Orchestra.
  • Alejandro Parra. Escuela Latinoamericana de Trombón.
  • Karla Rojas. Principal trombone Charlotte Symphony Orchestra.
  • Julio Landaeta. Composer.
  • Ricardo Mollá. Concertist and composer.
  • Marcia Medrano. Teacher trombone at Facultad de Música de la UNAM at Escuela Superior de Música del INBAL.
  • Javier Martos. International School of Minstrels.
  • Christian Daniel Vallejo. Composer.
  • Mayerlin Carreo. Freelance trombonist.
  • David Arboleda. University of Antioquia. Medellin Philharmonic Orchestra.
  • Juan Manuel Real. Orquesta de la Comunidad Valenciana Palau de Les Arts.
  • Felix García Peñarrubia. Banda Municipal de Castellón.
  • Adrián Nájera. Trombone professor at the Institute of Technology and higher education Monterrey.
  • Robinson Giraldo. Director of Arts and Music at Universidad Industrial de Santander.
  • Antonio Lloret. Soloist trombone at Orchestra of Extremadura.
  • Emilio Bayarri. Trombone solo at Banda Municipal de Barcelona.
  • Pedro Carrero. Soloist trombone Orquesta Sinfónica Simón Bolivar de Venezuela.
  • Alejandro Biot. trombone professor at Conservatory Camille Saint Saëns of Paris.
  • Marcos Forner. Innovatrombone.


1 modality (10 to 13 years)

First prize: Diploma. Set of B&S trombone products. Interview for Innovatrombone. Gift of “Trombland” piano score. Set of concerts and trombone methods donated by BlackBinder. Play Along Ferdinand David concertino Orchestral Play Along.

Second prize: Diploma. Set of B&S trombone products. Gift of “Trombland” piano score.

Third prize: Diploma. Set of B&S trombone products. Gift of “Trombland” piano score

Shared prizes for the 5 finalists of this modality: Masterclass sponsored by the Courtois brand in charge of Alejandro Biot, certified by Innovatrombone. 10% discount on the purchase of products from the Academy section of Innovatrombone for 6 months 25% discount on all trombone scores in stock at Tot Per L’Aire. 10% discount on the purchase of sheet music from Spanish Brass Editions.

2 Modality (14 to 18 years old)

First prize: Diploma. Set of B&S trombone products. Interview at Innovatrombone. Play Along A.Guilmant awarded by Orchestral play Along. Set of concerts and trombone methods donated by BlackBinder.

Second prize: Diploma. Set of B&S trombone products.

Third prize: Diploma. Set of B&S trombone products.

Shared prizes for the 5 finalists of this modality: Masterclass sponsored by Schagerl brand in charge of Pedro Carrero certified by Innovatrombone. 10% discount in the purchase of products from the Academy section of Innovatrombone for 6 months. 25% discount on all trombone scores in stock at Tot Per L’Aire. 10% discount on the purchase of sheet music from Spanish Brass Editions.

3 Modality (19 to 24 years)

First prize: Diploma. K&G mouthpiece. Interview for Innovatrombone. Play Along Ferdinand David by Orchestral play Along. Set of concerts and trombone methods by BlackBinder.

Second prize: Diploma. Play Along Ferdinand David by Orchestral play Along. Set of concerts and trombone methods by BlackBinder.

Third prize: Diploma. Play Along Ferdinand David by Orchestral play Along.

Shared prizes for the 5 finalists of this modality: Masterclass in charge of (To be determined) certified by Innovatrombone. 10% discount on the purchase of products from the Academy section of Innovatrombone for 6 months. 25% discount on all trombone scores in stock at Tot Per L’Aire. 10% discount on the purchase of sheet music from Spanish Brass Editions

3A Modality (19 to 24 years old) bass trombone

First prize: Diploma. UpSound. Interview for Innovatrombone. Play Along Ferdinand David by Orchestral Play Along. Lot of concerts and trombone methods by BlackBinder

Second prize: Diploma. Play Along Nessus Dorma and Bozza Concertino by Orchestral Play Along. Set of concerts and trombone methods by BlackBinder

Third prize: Diploma. Play Along Nessus Dorma by Orchestral Play Along. Set of concerts and trombone methods by BlackBinder

Shared prizes for the 5 finalists of this modality: Masterclass in charge of (to be determined) certified by Innovatrombone. 10% discount on the purchase of products from the Academy section of Innovatrombone for 6 months 25% discount on all trombone scores in stock at Tot Per L’Aire. 10% discount on the purchase of sheet music from Spanish Brass Editions.

4 Modality (25 to 32 years.) tenor trombone.

First prize: Diploma. Bags brand trombone case. 500 euros discount on the purchase of a Courtois trombone in any store collaborating with the brand. Play Along Ferdinand David awarded by Orchestral Play Along. Interview for Innovatrombone. Set of concerts and trombone methods sponsored by BlackBinder.

Second prize: Diploma. k&G trombone mouthpiece.

Third prize: Diploma. Stomvi mute.

Shared prizes for the 5 finalists of this modality: Masterclass in charge of (to be determined) certified by Innovatrombone. 10% discount on the purchase of products from the Academy section of Innovatrombone for 6 months. 25% discount on all trombone scores in stock at Tot Per L’Aire. 10% discount on the purchase of sheet music from Spanish Brass Editions.

4 Modality (25 to 32 years.) bass trombone.

First prize: Diploma. Bags brand trombone case. Diploma.

Second prize: Diploma. Play Along Nessus Dorma and Bozza Concertino by Orchestral Play Along. Set of concerts and trombone methods by BlackBinder

Third prize: Diploma. Play Along Nessus Dorma and Bozza Concertino by Orchestral Play Along. Set of concerts and trombone methods by BlackBinder

Shared prize for the 5 finalists of this modality: Masterclass in charge of (to be determined) certified by Innovatrombone. Set of concerts and trombone methods sponsored by BlackBinder. 10% discount on the purchase of any product from the Innovatrombone Academy section for 6 months. 25% discount on all trombone scores in stock at Tot Per L’Aire. 10% discount on the purchase of sheet music from Spanish Brass Editions.

5 Modality trombone soloist with quartet

First prize: Diploma. Interview for Innovatrombone. Set of concerts and trombone methods by BlackBinder. Discount of 500 euros on the purchase of a Schagerl Casero model.

Second prize: Diploma. Set of concerts and trombone methods sponsored by BlackBinder. Play Along Ferdinand David by Orchestral Play Along

Third prize: Diploma. Set of concerts and trombone methods sponsored by BlackBinder. Play Along Ferdinand David by Orchestral Play Along

Shared prize for the 5 finalists of this modality: Masterclass in charge of (to be determined) certified by Innovatrombone 10% discount on the purchase of products from the Academy section of Innovatrombone for 6 months 25% discount on all trombone scores in stock at Tot Per L’Aire. 10% discount on the purchase of sheet music from Spanish Brass Editions

  • The organization reserves the right to make minor modifications to the rules during the contest, always with the aim of improving certain aspects and facilitating the experience for the contestants during the contest.


Acces to Bags

Acces to K&G

Acces to  Antoine Courtois Paris

Acces to B&S

Acces to Stomvi

Acces to UpSound

Acces to Schagerl

Acces to SB Editions

Acceso to BlakBinder

Acceso to tot per l´aire

Acces to Innovatrombone Academy

Acces to Orchestral Play Along



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