2 June, 2019

Basic warm-up to begin study routines with our trombone by Innovatrombone.

From Innovatrombone we present you a warm-up model to start the daily study routine with your trombone.


From Innovatrombone we want to share with you a warm-up to start our daily study routines, aimed at trombonists of a medium-advanced level.

We have divided the warm-up into two parts: The first part is very basic, (we can even work with beginners). We started with very soft glissandos, always at the speed of 60 (crotchet), so that when we gradually go down to the low register, we have more air debt and make some deeper inspirations. (It is optional to breathe between notes if we consider it so).

In the score we share with you, you will see that you always leave the same bars with silences as the ones you are playing, with the purpose of resting and with the option of doing this exercise between teacher-student.

We start from the note Bb and always go down from the first position as a starting point to the rest of positions. The peculiarity of this exercise is that we begin with glissandos towards the next note in the rest of positions and when we arrive at it we repeat it again, but attacking the note. After finishing the series from the low Bb note to the rest of positions, we continue performing the same exercise from the F note with the same model as the previous one.

Once we have completed the glissandos from the F note in the first position to the seventh, we return to the F note and begin to make a legato of very soft and basic harmonics down again to the seventh position. We do legato between the harmonics thinking about the air we were using when we were doing the glissandos (without using the tongue).

When we reach the seventh position, we have the option to continue descending with the same model using the transposer. (This will depend on the level we or our students have).

In the second part of the warm-up we start from (C Drone) in the bass Bb direction in the first position, with a very simple model based on quavers. So far the exercise involves a certain difficulty, to which we add the use of the valve. (So this part is optional and we can make use of it once again depending on the level we have)

Once again we arrive at the Bb note and begin with some classic exercises of flexibility, inspired in the book of the great Spanish trombonist professor D.Miguel Badía. These exercises are progressive and they go up to the high pitch gradually.

We started by playing harmonics with eighth notes at the speed of 60 (the crotchet):


Triplet of quavers:


sextuplet of semiquaver with the option of interpreting it as triplet of semiquaver.


The exercises of the second part of the warm-up are all played in legato, both in the score and in the video, but we recommend to work them alternating legato-Staccato and vice versa.

 In the following links you can download the exercise in PDF format:

Warming Up Exercises for Trombone 1

Warming Up Exercises for Trombone 2


The following video is recorded and edited with Iphone 6, without cuts and without sound modification. It has an approximate duration of 15 minutes and we can work the exercises that we have attached in Pdf at the same time that we visualize it.

And here’s our basic warm-up to start the study routines with our trombone. We hope the article has been to your liking and will be useful to you.

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Visit our website:www.innovatrombone.com



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