19 April, 2018

Nineties Trombone Ensemble.Trombone Festival La Llosa de Ranes, 28 y 29 de abril 18


One slide, countless positions.

Nineties Trombone Ensemble (NTE) borned as a professional trombone players group who belong to the nineties generation under the direction of trombonist and conductor Daniel Perpiñán. Among the ensemble components always have been a friendship, fellow students or playing together in some young orchestras. Considering the admiration to other trombone ensembles, the trombone passion and the enthusiasm for sharing more moments together in concerts they created the Nineties. Concretely, during the International Trombone Festival celebrated in Valencia in July of 2015.

The group extols the union power, which music exerts, gathering trombone players from all over the Spanish geography and showing that nowadays the distance is no longer an obstacle. Besides the origin, the members studied bachelor in different music centres also, among which there are the Music Schools from Madrid, Zaragoza, Alicante, Murcia, Barcelona, Rotterdam and Amsterdam.

The variety in their birthplace, studies and individual career is the reason of the cultural and musical diversity, and originality of the Ensemble. Moreover, the group stability and their functioning by projects make easier that their members can usually collaborate with professional orchestras inside and outside national level. Some of them already are members of professional orchestras like El Gran Teatro del Liceo from Barcelona, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra from Amsterdam (Netherlands), Frankfurt Opern- und museumorchester (Germany) or Antwerp Symphony Orchestra (Belgium). The professionalism, quality, musical variety, originality, compromise and creativity make Nineties Trombone Ensmble a high level artistic project with a great potential.

First Trombone Days “La Llosa de Ranes”

Nineties Trombone Ensemble and the Fundación Sanganxa have organized a weekend for those who want to enjoy two days dedicated to the trombone culture and taking pleasure of group music. It doesn’t matter if you are a professional or bachelor student, individual lessons are waiting for you with: Daniel Perpiñán, teacher at Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón, l’Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya and Brass Academy; and Elies hernandis, teacher at Real Conservatorio Superior de Madrid. Even more, we will have the ensemble members doing lessons and activities for the youngest students. We are looking forward to play with you in a large ensemble which we will prepare for the closing concert.

Learning to work in group and playing great music with your section mate during the weekend of 28th and 29th of April in La Llosa de Ranes wager for trombone and ensemble work.

More infor in the website: https://www.jornadasdetrombon.com/

Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/ninetiestbones/

Aún quedan plazas disponibles, si te quedas en casa te lo perderás! Más información en la web: https://www.jornadasdetrombon.com/ o en el perfil de Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/ninetiestbones/



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